KC1-3. Honesty

Awareness necessitates authentication. In choice and knowing the question of information quality always emerges. Outcomes hinge on inputs.

“Honesty” is the presence of the truths needed for the contexts therein. It requires discerning what must be addressed and not limiting scrutiny to others.

I’m going to be honest here: I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know why I’m doing this. I don’t have a good answer for why you should care. I have a lot of guesses, though, lots of funny and boring ideas. Lots of needs. Hopes. If I’m being honest with myself and with you, I think that’s why I’m doing it. Because it’ll help me figure out what I’m doing.

I need it for two reasons. First, pacing myself and the output is the only way I think I’ll actually complete the project, given how long it’s taken so far and the bursts of activity and burnout I’m prone to. More importantly, over the last couple years my entire world has been upended, and I am in the process of rebuilding my life from the ground up.

I have an opportunity to set new patterns from my deepest beliefs before being swept away by responsibilities. There are many other ways I could seek to structure my life and balance my behavior. Whether it’s the right congregation, the right therapist, the right planner journal, there is no shortage of paths to take where I could find guidance, community, and structure.

I can’t tell you everything, of course, and that’s not dishonest of me. Because for all its universality there is a direction to honesty, toward trust and harmonious flourishing. The things left out due to respect for our relationship and the context of this platform are at my discretion only to ensure that shared goal.