New Site Launched!

The first site was launched in 2015 and hadn’t changed much in the intervening years, despite constant development behind the scenes. I was pretty satisfied with the simple but effective CSS code that made for the sliding color panels, and though the “User Manual” never materialized, the cheeky FAQ captured enough of the flavor.

For the overhaul I’d wanted to lay the groundwork for a much more robust and navigable system where users could explore the combinations of aspects and see the grid expand. This is still the intention, but the idea of teaching myself JavaScript amidst everything else going on was considerably more ambitious than I had time for. And procrastinating further wasn’t an option.

But since the main goal at this point was to make sure I have a place to post some longer-form pieces, I decided that the new site need only be updated to modern web standards and have a simple blog where I could post my writing. It also gave me the opportunity to clean up the language in the FAQ and bring it in alignment with the state of the project now.

So while not much has changed, and the actual web design took a single hyper-focused evening, it feels like a significant step for me.